NJ Sharing Network

At NJ Sharing Network, we have discovered there are so many stories to be told and so much to be shared about organ and tissue donation. This is a place where transplant recipients, donor families, patients waiting for a life-saving transplant, volunteers, NJ Sharing Network staff, community members and advocates can share their insights. To learn more about organ and tissue donation in New Jersey, visit www.NJSharingNetwork.org.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

‘Tis the season to be giving

As we all know, this is the season to be Jolly. On the last post, I talked about Generosity. So I would like to slightly change the traditional “’Tis the season to be jolly” to “Tis the season to be GIVING.” This year, why not give of your time to those who are in need of someone? This year, why not give food or clothing to those who need to eat or are without clothes? This season, why not give words of encouragement to those who are in need of hearing words that may uplift their spirits? This year, what if we bought less and gave more?  Believe me, it may just revolutionize your holiday experience.

I leave you with these giving quotes which will hopefully help you realize that we’re all in this experience called life together. When you give, you will experience greater joy and passion in your life. This concept has been taught by many wise people and it’s definitely a practice we need in every area of our lives.

“As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.” –Donald E. Westlake

“If you do not have peace in your life, you, like many others, have probably not fully understood its message. You receive exactly what you put out, or, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” – Thomas D. Willhite

“One of the things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy is doing things for other people.” –Dick Gregory

“The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each other’s’ burdens, easing other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the holiday season. –W. C. Jones

Jay Arisso Jr., BSB, CGRS
Manager of Family Services at NJ Sharing Network
Jay is Senior Pastor of La Iglesia Church in Elizabeth, NJ and oversees NJ Sharing Network’s aftercare program. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


“When all else fails, generosity always wins. You can never lose with generosity.” –Jay Arisso Jr.

You’re probably saying to yourself,  “Things have taken a wrong turn when Jay is quoting himself.” I promise I won’t do this a lot, but I had to use this quote because it really impacted me when I heard myself say it. At the core of all we do, is the powerful principle of generosity. We have talked a lot about this throughout the organization in these last few months. From the power that generosity gives our NJSN Foundation to fund amazing programs, trainings, outreach and community education, to the everyday miracle that we are allowed to be a part of when we witness the generosity of families which open their hearts to give to those in need in the midst of their pain. From the power of generosity from our external affairs team which work hard to spread the word of donation to all those who give the needed support to make that happen. We live in the middle of generosity. Yes, it’s our job to do this, but when talking to many throughout our organization, there is one common factor: We don’t look at our job as our job, we look at it as our mission. It’s both amazing and humbling to be able to live a mission that literally changes lives and literally changes the world, one family at a time. What is done here at NJSN has a direct impact on someone’s life. That is such a huge honor and responsibility.

In an odd way, giving actually fills us. Emptying our cup, fills our cup. It feels good to help someone in need. So as you give your all when supporting and approaching a family, managing a donor, talking to a CEO at a hospital or working with a difficult physician that doesn’t really get what we do, remember this: “When all else fails, generosity always wins. You can never lose with generosity.” It’s not perfect all the time. It’s not easy all the time. But at the end, it’s always rewarding.

Be encouraged,



Jay Arisso Jr., BSB, CGRS
Manager of Family Services at NJ Sharing Network
Jay is Senior Pastor of La Iglesia Church in Elizabeth, NJ and oversees NJ Sharing Network’s aftercare program. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Get Pumped with Ms. Pumps for the NJSN 5K Walk/Race!

Hi All, Ms. Pumps here! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, family and friends. I don’t know about you, but I am still stuffed from all of the wonderful food!

My favorite parts about this time of year is getting together with family and friends and reminiscing about the great times we have had together. This year at my table, Mr. Pumps brought up the 5K and reminded everyone about what a great day it is for getting everyone together to remember and honor family and friends. I knew there was a reason I said YES to his proposal! So that got me thinking… I know the 5K is still a little ways away, but I want to hear what you are doing to get ready for next years walk/race! Feel free to watch the 5K video from last year’s race. It always gets me PUMPED UP! Can you tell I am super excited?

On the subject of being excited – as you know this past Friday was “Black Friday” and although I couldn’t be more thankful for my current shoe collection I had to go check out the sales. I always limit my spending so that I have some money left over for “Giving Tuesday”. The Giving Tuesday campaign is a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. It celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support non-profit organizations. If you haven’t yet, please consider making a donation to NJ Sharing Network on Giving Tuesday! And as you know, there is no greater gift than the gift of life, so be sure to register as an organ and tissue donor online or at your local motor vehicle agency.

Wishing you all a healthy and happy holiday season!

TTFN, ta ta for now!

XOXO Ms. Pumps